Alison Shorto

Alison Shorto

(Ocean Diver) Role: responsible for looking after club funds including collecting and banking money for dives, courses and social events, paying club expenses, maintaining the books and reporting on income

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Richard Watson

Richard Watson

(BSAC Sports Diver) Role: organising committee meetings and AGMs. Responsible for providing minutes, maintaining the committee administration and decisions database, and annual booking of all meeting rooms and pool...

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Nic Hallett

Nic Hallett

(Dive Leader,  Open Water Instructor) Role: keeping the profile of the club up to date by publishing the club newsletter, maintaining the website and social media. Other roles may include organising

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Matt Fry

Matt Fry

(Advanced Diver, Open Water Instructor) Role: responsible for running larger projects within the club e.g. managing the pool marshal rota, classroom allocation, updating events and dive schedules, organising and co-ordinating

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Matt Arris

Matt Arris

(Dive Leader) Role: responsible for ensuring the membership details and medical status are up to date, sending renewals to BSAC and making sure members’ qualification data is current.

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Andy Hodgson

Andy Hodgson

(Advanced Diver, CCR Diver, Advanced Instructor) Role: planning training programs, ensuring that opportunities are available for all members to develop and progress their diving skills.

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Alan Brown

Alan Brown

(Advanced Diver, Open Water Instructor) Role: responsible for ensuring the safety of the divers in the branch, ensuring that diving and training is carried out within the current BSAC recommendations/standards.

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